
Tag Archives: how to

How To Clean DSLR Sensor using Sensor Swab

Use MENU to clean your sensor

Taking good care of your camera gear is as important as shooting photographs. Sometimes even a grain of dirt on the sensor may destroy the whole photoshoot. There is every chance of dust getting onto the sensor if you work in a dusty environment or outdoors. This generally happens when …

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Photoshop Experts Open Photoshop 1.0

photoshop experts with photoshop 1.0

Photoshop Experts Open Photoshop 1.0 A few weeks ago Adobe celebrated Photoshop’s 25 anniversary. In honor of this joyous event, the awesome people at CreativeLive asked 8 Photoshop experts to try their hand at Photoshop 1.0 . The well known Photoshop experts who teach the software and processing skills for a living …

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