
Gear Care

Easy Tips to Remove Lens Fungus

lens fungus removal guide

Lens fungus is the build-up of fungus inside the lens optical element. Fungus builds inside the lens because of moisture and humidity. A photographer must take all precautions to keep the camera and lens away from direct rain or damp area. If precautions fail then there is a real chance …

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How To Clean DSLR Sensor using Sensor Swab

Use MENU to clean your sensor

Taking good care of your camera gear is as important as shooting photographs. Sometimes even a grain of dirt on the sensor may destroy the whole photoshoot. There is every chance of dust getting onto the sensor if you work in a dusty environment or outdoors. This generally happens when …

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How To Clean and Maintain Camera Lens

How To Clean and Maintain Camera Lens

A lens is a writing tool for a Photographer. It gathers the light and focuses it on the sensor. The glass elements in the lens must be properly aligned and spotlessly clean. Keeping the lens clean and safe is most important in photography. A photographer must respect his tools. If you understand the …

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