
The Power of Dehaze Tool in Night Sky Photography

Last Updated on February 11, 2019 by PixelPluck

The Power of Dehaze Tool in Night Sky Photography.
“Tom Mackintosh came home late last night and noticed that it was a perfect night to try some night sky photography – cold, clear and moonless. He lives in one of the outer suburbs of Auckland city in NZ but he was interested to see how much of an issue light pollution would be in the photographs s and what could be done in Lightroom to work around this. He used aCanon 5d III and Tamron 24-70mm f2.8 to shoot these images.

As it came straight out of the camera. ISO 3200, 24mm, f2.8, 20 second exposure.
Tone, noise, colour and sharpening adjustments. No Dehaze applied yet.

This is where the Dehaze Filter comes into play. Watch how it brings in details and removes haze in an easy non destructive way.

And bingo – look at what pops out!
Another shot. A little bit shaky but you can see what Dehaze does.

Tweet us your photos at @PixelPluck .

Source: Tom Mackintosh

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