Learn how to update camera firmware
Learn how to update camera firmware

Learn How to Update Nikon Camera Firmware

Last Updated on November 24, 2016 by PixelPluck

Learn How to Update Nikon Camera Firmware

All the major camera manufacturers regularly update their camera software to remove any bug and improve reliability and performance of your camera. You can check for the Nikon firmware and software updates on the Nikon Download Center website. It is important to keep your camera firmware up-to-date for best performance. Learn How to Update Nikon Camera Firmware.

Firmware is a read only set of instructions that is embedded in a hardware device to either add or improve function. Sometimes there are two parts to a Nikon firmware update labeled A or B. Some updates will perform either A or B, and others may perform A and B. Some updates will perform both A and B at the same time, and others may only do one at a time. You may also come across C firmware, L firmware, or even S firmware.

First you need to confirm the software and firmware version of your camera. You can find it in the setup menu of your camera and navigate to the installed firmware version. Once you confirm the firmware version of your camera, match it with the latest available firmware on the download center website. If there is a new firmware available for your DSLR camera or the point and shoot then download the latest firmware file. Firmware Update on Nikon DSLR

Note that there would be different files depending upon whether you are using a mac or windows on your computer. Once you download the file, install it on your computer system. It will extract a ****.bin file on your computer. Now fully charge your camera and insert an empty memory card in your camera. Format the memory card inside the camera itself using the format option from the camera menu. Now turn off your camera and remove the memory card. Insert it into your computer or you can use a good quality external card reader. Transfer the ***.bin file on the memory card in the root folder. Root folder means the outermost folder. There will be a DCIM folder so you can put the ***.bin file just next to the DCIM folder. Now safely remove the memory card and insert it in your camera.

Turn your camera on and navigate to the firmware version. It will show a new option “update” along with the old firmware version numbers.

Nikon Sample Firmware : Old vs New
Nikon Sample Firmware : Old vs New

Choose the update option and it will take few minutes to update your camera. Once the update is finished the screen will turn off after a message that the ‘update is finished’. Physically turn your camera off and leave it for 10 seconds. Turn the camera on again and check the firmware version. You will see that the camera version has been updated to the latest version.

You can find the entire list of cameras from Nikon and the latest firmware update for them here.

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