
Gorgeous Photography Series Portrays Gay Couples All Over The Globe

Last Updated on April 2, 2015 by PixelPluck

Gorgeous Photography Series Portrays Gay Couples All Over The Globe.

Braden Summers is an artist and photographer, whose work alerts the viewer to the beauty in people and their environment. The undertones of his portraits are appreciative of diversity and acceptance, ideas that are fundamentally supportive of a more positive lifestyle. His work has been featured in Marie Claire UK, on the sites of French Elle, French Glamour, Advocate and The Huffington Post. Marriott International worked with Mr. Summers on their latest campaign #LoveTravels, depicting love and family in the LGBT community and beyond.


Newyork based photographer Braden Summers is highly experienced in capturing romance with a single click.2 3

But as a gay man, he was tired of the LGBT community being misrepresented in media imagery – or worse absent completely. He decided to take matters into his own hands. Summers traveled all over the world to create dramatized romantic scenes featuring only gay couples.

Summers discussed the All Love Is Equal photography series with BuzzFeed and shared a few of the spectacular photographs:

It made me think a lot about iconic romance in general and how all of the images that came to mind were of straight couples – real or fabricated.


Gay imagery tends to be hyper-sexual, or banal images of everyday couples, or worse yet depictions of our victimization.



“I wanted to create a whole series using my London image as a benchmark”


The images are not documentations of reality, but illustrations using models and real-life couples to help my viewers dream about having that type of romance


His work is meant to speak to a large audience, it should be reminiscent of the highly-produced romance images that we are fed on a daily basis.





Summers hopes to one day have his photography in a touring exhibition, so he can continue to spread a little bit of romance all over the globe.

Source : Braden Summers & imgur

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